

Vision & Spirit: Raymond Jonson and the Transcendental Painting Group

“An intimate story of the New Mexico artists who brought modernism to New Mexico. Ground breaking, provocative and beautiful, their paintings were an investigation to the artist’s spirit as they saw new vision for painting. Featured are interviews with New Mexico’s leading art historians, the words of the painters themselves and an interview with Florence Pierce one of the last surviving members of this group. Originally broadcast on New Mexico PBS channel KNME.”

Dane Rudhyar was a good friend of Bisttram’s, and was one of the writers for the TPG.  Rudhyar Archival Project Website

Agnes Pelton and Florence Miller Pierce were the two female members of the TPG.  Florence Miller Pierce was one of Bisttram’s students..
Agnes Pelton and Florence Miller Pierce: The Two Women Artists in The Transcendental Painting Group (1938-1945) by Tiska Blankenship


Excerpt from Martin Diamond, “Who Were They? My Personal Contact with Thirty-Five American Modernists Your Art History Course Never Mentioned,” typescript, 1995, pp. 42-48.